Home automation is logic

DOBISS. One affordable system that connects everything.

Domotics simply belong in every home. It’s no longer a luxury, but self-evident. You save energy and time, and get peace of mind instead. Precisely because no one can do without home automation anymore, we’ve made it simple and affordable.

Domotics? Smartotics!

Your DOBISS benefits at a glance


Make your smart home
work for you

Energy saving

Eliminate standby consumption
and get maximum return
from your solar panels


Scare off
unwanted visitors


Start small
and expand later, thanks to
the modular construction

A single system

Everything communicates
with each other,
even different brands

Future proof

Add new technologies
whenever you want

Proven expertise
for every budget


DOBISS installers
throughout Belgium


apartment, terraced house and villa projects over the past 5 years,


years Belgian know-how


year warranty

Know more

Project in the spotlight

Residence Warelles

A splendid example of future-proof living. Construction company Top Home Building and installer Innotech joined forces for this innovative building concept of stacked villas in Rumbeke.

A satisfied user

An De Gols

“Thanks to the system’s flexibility, I’ll also be able to control my attic space with the existing push buttons and scenarios after the renovation.”

DOBISS home automation on YouTube


02/07/2024Project in the spotlight: “Replacement home automation system in service flats De Parel and De Brug in Zonhoven” Act With Care, system integrator in care technology and access control, renewed the home automation system in service flats De Parel and De Brug in Zonhoven. This makes it possible to automate actions such as the operation of lighting, heating and sockets. Conveniently, care calls are also linked to home automation so that there is an appropriate response in case of an emergency. Think of turning on lights, turning off the cooker, etc.... Due to some defects and exhaustion of spare parts, there was a need for a new and future-proof solution, which we installed in 71 flats. Thanks to close cooperation between Act With Care and Fermax Belgium NV, the preparation was optimal so that the conversion was completed in each flat by the evening. The residents could thus immediately use all the familiar home automation functionalities again. Safety was also guaranteed by the integrated call system.
04/06/2024The sun is shining: the nice weather is the perfect time to take another critical look at your self-consumption. High time to save money The latest version of Dobiss NXT now also turns your charging station into a smart consumer. You can choose from 3 options for charging: ✅ Manual ✅ Mixed ✅ Solar charging With those last two options, you make sure your charging station only starts charging when you have to much energy. This all happens automatically. So you take less (paying) energy from the grid and that does make a difference to your wallet. That way, an extra drink on a terrace is a nice opportunity. 😋 🚨 We are currently integrating with Alfen and Blitzpower charging stations. P.S. Also discover our 5 secrets of smart energy management 👉 https://dobiss.com/.../2023/09/DOBISS-Energiemanagement.pdf
19/04/20243.000 DOBISS NXT installations online in Belgium! Since the launch of the NXT server in 2019, today more than 3,000 Dobiss NXT installations are online in the DOBISS cloud. Congratulations to all our DOBISS installers! More than 3.000 families operate their smart home via DOBISS NXT. With the free update to version 3.70, more functionalities are available : new charging options at charging stations, monitoring consumers via smart sockets.... These are just a few of the many new features.